The Age Of Innocence (PG) C- Columbia 10/1 9:50pm $6 Delray 10 A long and dull movie about upper class snobbish society back in the 1870's. If you're interested in the lifestyles of the rich New Yorkers from back then, this film will please you. It even goes into detail about dinners, what food is served, not once, not twice, but several times throughout the movie. What little plot exists in the film is easily forgotten once you leave the theater and buy some donuts. Great scenery, great sets, nice costumes, but damn, what a waste of time. For Love or Money (PG) A 10/2 10pm $6 Delray 10 Michael J. Fox plays the role of a hyperactive concierage at an aging hotel in New York City. His dream is to open a hotel of his own, using the money he's saved from the really high tips he earns to buy an option on an old property on the river, and then woos a wealthy financier for a three million dollar loan, only to find out that he's dating the girl he's been lusting after. So, chaos ensues. Fox is extremely charming in the role of the most effecient concierge in the Universe, and the movie is nonstop entertainment. Malice (R) B+ 10/3 7:30pm $6 Delray 10 A typical mystery involving a teacher, his wife, and a surgeon, but with many clever plot twists thrown in. For an R rating, I would have preferred more nudity. Most of the film is rather tame. The previews are a bit misleading, but at least they convey the general idea of how good the film is. Un Coeur En Hiver D 10/5 7:15pm $6 Delray 10 A french film with subtitles, "The Heart of Winter" has little to do with winter, really. It's about a violin repairman who visits a pretty violinist after fixing her violin, and she thinks he's fallen for her, but no, he can never love anyone. That's it. Oh, and it takes a long, long time to convey this, and boy is it boring. I mean BOR-ING! You can keep watching it, thinking any moment now something grand will be revealed, or some deep, inner meaning will be found, but no, it's just a sleep-inducing piece of shit, and you're better off going to the zoo and staring at the lion. Demolition Man (R) A 10/8 7:30pm $6 Delray 10 Nonstop action, excitement, humor and violence! Sylvester Stallone plays the good guy, Wesley Snipes plays the bad guy, the setting is the year 2032 with lots of high-tech toys all over the plays. Well directed and well-budgeted, this is great entertainment. Judgement Night (R) Universal B 10/15 7:55pm $6 Delray 10 Emelio Estevez plays the mature guy in a group of four friends who accidentally find themselves in a grungy downtown area devoid of police. They are witnesses to a murder, which leads the bad guys to chase them around town. Lots of macho talk and brotherly love, but mostly it's overdone. Like they're trying to make it mean something, but the meaning isn't there to be had. The Beverly Hillbillies (PG) 20th Century Fox B 10/16 9:45pm $6 Delray 10 Inspired from the TV series, this movie lacks the same character and spirit of the TV show. Worse, they add things that weren't in the TV show, things are just plain dumb. There are funny parts to be had, surely, but this movie just isn't as good as the critics are making it out to be. The Nightmare Before Christmas C+ 10/22 8:10pm $6 Delray 10 What a nightmare! This is a singing children's film, and even children hate singing children's films. I remember watching Rudolph's Christmas specials, also stop-action films, and they were QUITE similar. Yeah, the show is interesting and entertaining... BETWEEN songs. But while the characters are singing, you're in hell. Stupid children's songs. Totally ruins the movie; otherwise, it's a neat plot, k00l special effects, however I must admit the story is a bit dull and it's about as deep as a slice of week-old soggy bread. A Bronx Tale B+ 10/26 7:10pm $6 Delray 10 A story of a boy growing up in the Bronx fighting between his father's beliefs and the benefits of a being a friend of a mobster. Well acted, this story warms the heart but is a bit strained by trying to make us believe an interracial attraction in the late 60's just happens like magic. Fatal Instinct B 10/29 7:30pm $6 Delray 10 A spoof of movies like Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct, this one goes for all the obvious gags and tries to have fun along the way. It's not hilarious, and Basic Instinct was already covered somewhat by Loaded Weapon 1, but it's still light-hearted humor and enjoyable anyway.